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Занятие 20


Упражнение 1. Составьте из двух простых предложений в PAST SIMPLE одно сложное, поставив придаточное в PAST PERFECT, используя союз BEFORE, AFTER, AS SOON AS, WHEN    1.5 мин.

Образец: He had lunch. He went to his work. —

After he had lunch he went to his work. Before he went to his work he had lunch. When he had lunch he went to his work. As soon as he had lunch he went to his work.

He finished school. He went to the university.

She phoned her friend. She went to meet her.

I cleaned my room. I invited my friends to me.

He entered the university. He finished school.

Не told me about the country. He returned from England.

Упражнение 2. 1.5 мин

He got bad news. He was unhappy.

I finished the text. I closed my exercise-book.

They danced. Then they began singing.

Our friends bought a car. They had a car accident.

She got bad marks. She stayed at home to correct the mistakes.

Упражнение 2. 1.5 мин.

He returned home. The guests left.

We came to the cinema. The film began.

I read the book. I watched the film

They lived here. They moved to another place.

We played а game of tennis. We went to my place.

Занятие 21


Упражнение 1. Упражнения на скорость. 1 мин.

Образец: How long had he been doing the exercise before he went to sleep? (for an hour) – He had been doing the exercise for an hour.

1.How long had you been writing the test before the teacher came? (for twenty minutes). 2. How long had he been living in the city before he moved here? (since childhood). 3. How long had she been cooking lunch before her mother came? (for an hour). 4. How long had the dog been sleeping when it got up? (since morning). 5. How long had the girl been cleaning her room when she found her old bag? (for two hours). 6. How long had the man been watching TV when he turned it off? (for half an hour). 7. How long had the people been crying at the boy when he ran away? (for a long time).

Упражнение 2. Упражнения на скорость. 1.5 мин.

Образец: Had it rained yesterday before I came? (to snow for two hours) – No, it hadn’t – It had been snowing for two hours.

1.Had he written a test before the lesson was over? (a dictation for half an hour). 2. Had they gone to the country by bus before it rained? (by car for forty minutes). 3. Had she brushed her hair when she went to school? (to do a make-up for twenty minutes). 4. Had you drawn a picture by the time I came? (to read a book for half a day). 5. Had he worked in the factory when he became a master? (to work in the office for a year). 6. Had the cat caught the bird when you noticed it? (to hunt for ten minutes). 7. Had it rained when the sun rose? (to snow for an hour).

Занятие 22


Упражнение 1. Упражнения на скорость. 1 мин.

Образец: Will you be having dinner when I come to you? (to go to work) – No, I will have already gone to work by that time.

1.Will your brother be at school at nine? (to go home by that time). 2. Will they be flying to Egypt in the morning? (to arrive before morning). 3. Will she be doing her morning exercises at eight? (to finish doing it by eight). 4. Will he be reading the text when you come? (finish reading). 5. Will she be working in the office at five? (to go home). 6. Will he be watching TV at nine? (to watch his favourite program). 7. Will you be having lunch when I come? (to finish it)

Упражнение 2. Упражнения на скорость. 1 мин.

Образец: He will have had lunch by the time I come. – No, he won’t have had lunch, he will have written a letter by the time.

1.They will have arrived to Moscow by nine. (to Minsk). 2. He will have done his lessons by the end of the time. (to draw a picture). 3. She will have read the text when her friend comes. (to write a message). 4. The student will have passed the exam by January. (by February). 5. She will have bought a car by the end of the year. (by April). 6. He will have decorated the Christmas tree by the middle of December. (by the beginning of the month). 7. She will have written a new song by the beginning of the holiday. (by the end of the week).

Занятие 23


Упражнение 1. Упражнения на скорость. 1 мин.

Образец: Will you be having dinner when I come to you? – Yes, I will have been having dinner for half an hour when you come to me.

1.Will your brother be at school at nine? (for half an hour by that time). 2. Will they be flying to Egypt in the morning? (to fly for half a night by the morning). 3. Will she be doing her morning exercises at eight? (for an hour by eight). 4. Will he be reading the text when you come? (for two hours). 5. Will she be working in the office at five? (for a month by five). 6. Will he be watching TV at nine? (for three hours by nine). 7. Will you be having lunch when I come? (for twenty minutes).

Упражнение 2. Упражнения на скорость. 1 мин.

Образец: He will have had lunch by the time I come. – No, he won’t have had lunch, he will have be writing a letter for an hour by the time you come.

1.They will have arrived to Moscow by nine. (to fly Minsk for half a day by nine). 2. He will have done his lessons by the end of the time. (to draw a picture for half an hour). 3. She will have read the text when her friend comes. (to write a message since morning). 4. The student will have passed the exams by January. (to prepare for the exams for a month by February). 5. She will have bought a car by the end of the year. (to choose it for a long time by next year). 6. He will have decorated the Christmas tree by the middle of December. (for a month by the beginning of next month). 7. She will have written a new song by the beginning of the holiday. (to write it for a week by the end of the month).

Занятие 24






PERFECT – действие произошло, неизвестно когда, где

PAST – действие произошло, известно, когда или где

I HAVE NEVER BEEN TO ITALY. – Я никогда не был в Италии. – неизвестно когда, нет привязки ко времени в прошлом

SHAKESPEAR NEVER WAS IN ITALY. – Шекспир никогда не был в Италии. – известно когда, когда Шекспир был жив

HAVE YOU SEEN THIS FILM? – Вы видели этот фильм? – неизвестно когда до настоящего момента

DID YOU SEE THIS FILM? – Вы смотрели этот фильм? – известно когда из контекста, например, вчера фильм показывали по телевизору, и вопрос задан о событии, которое произошло вчера.

LOOK WHAT HE HAS GIVEN TO ME! – Смотри, что он мне дал! – неизвестно когда, концентрация на результате

WHO GAVE YOU THIS? – Кто тебе это дал? – концентрация на действие в прошлом, когда кто-то дал это

Важно при этом понять, закончилось время совершения действия или нет. Если нет, то это перфект.

WE HAVE LEARNT ENOUGH TO PASS THE EXAM. – экзамена еще не было, он предстоит

WE LEARNT ENOUGH TO PASS THE EXAM. – экзамен закончился, значит известно, когда произошло действие, до экзамена

I HAVE SEEN JOHN THIS WEEK. – неделя еще не закончилась

I SAW JOHN AND HE SAID THAT… – известно, когда произошло действие. Когда я видел Джона. Действия привязаны друг к другу.

I HAVE SEEN MY BOSS THIS MORNING. – Утром я видел шефа.– утро еще не закончилось

I SAW MY BOSS THIS MORNING. – Утром я видел шефа.– утро закончилось, уже вечер

Существует множество наречий и сочетаний слов, использующихся в перфекте.



Так называемые законченные выражения свойственны PAST:


В косвенной речи в качестве вводного предложения с глаголами TO SAY, TO TELL и т. д. принято использовать PAST

представим линию времени на рисунке, где О – это настоящий момент, а линия слева и справа является прошедшим и будущим.

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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